Boarders and Boundaries

This series of artwork, born from the transformation of repurposed immigration documents, stands as a tangible testament to the journey of individuals seeking opportunities beyond their borders. It encapsulates the bureaucratic labyrinth and emotional turmoil intertwined with the pursuit of growth and advancement.

The artwork embodies the dichotomy of anticipation and anxiety, belonging and alienation, serving as a visual narrative of the borders and boundaries that immigrants must navigate. It transforms the often invisible experiences of immigration into a palpable form, making the unseen seen.

Each piece in this series is a concrete symbol of the path traversed by those pursuing advancement in foreign lands. The transformation of these papers into an artistic form encapsulates the struggles, histories, and narratives inherent in this journey.

The act of recycling and repurposing these documents into art is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of those who embark on this journey.